
Showing posts from February, 2018

Experimental Process

Beginning experimentation, I found a bin covered with a thin sheet of ice. I broke the ice and piled it on sketch paper, then dropped ink onto the ice.  If I could have stopped the process here, it would have been precisely what I’d hoped for, but I used far too much ice and ink, so I repeated my experiment with less of both. Again, the paper was still far too wet. I realized this and attempted to take an imprint of the top with another piece of paper, but the imprint was very underwhelming.             With the weather warming up dramatically the week following this experiment, I was forced to venture to my own freezer to continue experimentation with ice. I used dinner plates to recreate the thin sheet of ice that I’d found outside. With less ice, I decided that using smaller paper would be a more efficient process to perfect my marks. In addition to ink, I used dry pastel and vine charcoal. I decided I would try dry media both on the paper before placing the ice, and over th